Websites, mobile apps and IOT can no longer be ignored in an organization to communicate with customers and business partners. The design of digital platforms is becoming increasingly important. The answer seems to be found in a flexible design of the digital architecture; Scalable Architecture.
Both horizontally - more the same processes next to each other - and vertically, - new specialist processes within a column - are necessary to remain technically flexible within the organization. Flexible, there is also a pitfall there. You often see that the more flexible a digital architecture is, the more complex it will be, especially with the interpretation along two axes (horizontal and vertical). In addition, you will have to deal with already existing platforms, structures and processes, the so-called "legacy architecture". How do you turn this into a scalable and flexible whole, which is also easy to manage and easy to expand in the future? That cries out for a vision, strategy and approach. My advice is always; "Think big (not" too big "), start small (not" too small "either) in vision and strategy. Keep the approach clear and affordable. Make sure that everything fits the organization. Realize that you should not only create an architecture, but also be able to manage and change it when it is in use. The management component is often forgotten in all plans and you are faced with surprises after use.
What can work very well is to set up an "ICT transition program" and to give all facets a place in it. With such an ICT transition program you keep it clear and understandable for a non-technical audience. You also show that not everything has to change at once, but that the organization is gradually moving to a point on the horizon. In the ICT transition program, keep enough room to make adjustments with new techniques or a new business course.
As inspiration for technology topics I refer to my inspiration and previous blogs;
There are some systematic tips in my blog about Plan and Strategy,
Lots to read and combine. Now that the winter months are coming to an end, we are again making good intentions and plans for the coming year, it is good to get inspired. Try to give a start, talk to people, but above all come up with the plans together.