This blog is about the creation of a digital platform, indicated in my subtitle as "forest". More and more organizations are discovering the added value of a digital platform, but are struggling with its interpretation.
Within the organizations, answers are sought on the following issues, among others; How to get started For who is it? What are the benefits? The latter is usually replaced by the skeptics; What does it cost? That is unfortunate because a digital platform does not have to be a cost item for a correct business case. After all, 'what does it yield' is a result of revenue minus costs. Please note that 'what does it yield' not only includes money, but also market position, growth potential, strength and customer loyalty.
How do you start such a digital portal now? You may have noticed the order in the subtitle; functionality, technology and ideas. That is often how I see an organization making an attempt to realize a customer portal. Based on a specific functional need, a set of functionality (scope) is defined, the so-called ‘MVP’ (Minimum Viable Product). It is the honor of technology to realize this. During the realization, all kinds of new ideas arise, which put the scope under pressure, the 'MVP' changes and the deadlines shift. Worse, if you are not careful, the focus disappears and the whole project takes a different turn. In addition to all the foregoing, the interests of your customer are especially important.
Put the needs of the customer at the center of every discussion . Does it make sense for the customer, does it add anything? Can the customer walk logically, simply and safely through the forest?
Ideas usually arise when a group is focused and looks at the issues from multiple angles -
multidisciplinary . Preferably with the digital possibilities in mind of the present time. '
An oldtimer car can sometimes be a statement, but in this context you want a car with the right technology on board. ' Starting with only the focus on functionality or only on technology is therefore not convenient. Listen to each other, appreciate each other's expertise. Let the customer (user) play a central role, after all,
it is also about the user's experience of the '... User eXperience ...' .